Author: Sepal Zerdest

Northern Elders showing Buyer’s Remorse for Backing Tinubu in 2023 It seems unthinkable that the wealthy and powerful cattle-herding class could be on the margins of President Bola Tinubu’s ruling clique, but it’s thinkable now. During the eight years of Fulani-born Muhammadu Buhari, the beef-on-the hoof lobby called Miyetti Allah Cattlemen’s Association marched vast herds of bony white cattle the length of the nation over lands public and private with impunity. The herds and their rifle-carrying herders uprooted thousands of small plot farms and sent thousands of civilians to their graves in so-called farmer-herder clashes. During those years, the killers…

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The head of the Iraqi central bank on Sunday announced that all transactions inside the country will only be made using the Iraqi dinar in 2024, as the value of the currency against the US dollars continues to be much lower than the one set in the federal budget. The Iraqi dinar has been losing value against the US dollar for several months, leading to a surge in prices of basic goods and consequent outcry from the Iraqi public. The depreciation has been attributed to the smuggling of dollars out of Iraq, mainly to neighboring Iran. “Next year, all internal…

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Latest Developments The third-most senior Hamas figure, Saleh al-Arouri, was killed on January 2 in a Beirut blast that Lebanese authorities blamed on Israel. Arouri was among at least four people who died in an Israeli drone strike on a Hamas media office in the southern Dahiyeh suburb of the Lebanese capital, a Hezbollah stronghold, authorities said. Israeli officials had no immediate comment. After Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh, Arouri was the top-ranked Hamas official. He pursued an especially aggressive Palestinian terrorism strategy, with a focus on the West Bank, where he ordered the 2014 abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers, sparking a…

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Kurdistan Region’s electricity ministry on Friday announced that power has been restored after two major shutdowns blamed on a technical problem.  The national power grid experienced two shutdowns on Thursday and early Friday “due to a technical issue,” the ministry said in a statement. “The electricity ministry is in constant efforts to increase production and restore the normal program for power distribution,” it noted. Unreliable electricity is a frequent headache in the Kurdistan Region. According to data obtained by Rudaw, the capital city Erbil received only four hours of power in recent days. The other three provinces received between six…

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Toronto, Atlanta (28/11 – 20) A wise old expression intones “Behind every bad borrower is a bad lender”. Like many such cute, amusing aphorisms, it is accurate as far as it goes … but what if? What if a loan approval is held up, then granted, after a couple of phone calls from the office of the Vice President? What if the borrower is a crony or relative of Mr. Big, which is what practically bankrupted Indonesia, when the Soeharto vampire children took out multi-hundred-million-dollar “loans” (wink wink) for projects whose profit-making potential was near zero? What is the potential…

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Rome (16/11 – 57) Sri Lanka is mired in a deep political and economic crisis and the country’s then President Rajapaksa has flown out of the country, days after a huge crowd of protesters stormed his residence in July 2022. Protesters for months have demanded the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, whose government has been blamed for chronic mismanagement of the country’s finances. The island nation of 22 million people has suffered months of lengthy blackouts, acute food and fuel shortages, and galloping inflation in its most painful downturn on record. Here is how the crisis unfolded: April 1: State of emergency Rajapaksa declares a temporary state of emergency, giving security forces sweeping powers to arrest and…

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Paris (08/11 – 75) Sri Lanka’s economic and political crisis of 2022 left the country bankrupt. Ranil Wickremesinghe took over as President of Sri Lanka in July 2022 when the country was in the middle of its worst economic and political crisis since independence in 1948. His predecessor, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, had been forced out of power after facing mass protests prompted by 12-hour power cuts and persistent fuel and food shortages. The nation was bankrupt.Wickremesinghe brought in the International Monetary Fund and has focused on reaching macroeconomic stability and driving tough but much-needed structural reforms. Today, as Sri Lanka embarks…

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As the war in Israel rages, an ongoing struggle to control the narrative of the conflict is unfolding between Hamas and the Jewish state. This propaganda battle is not novel, as it has long been observed to coexist with the kinetic action between Israel and the Palestinian armed groups, dating back to at least 2014. Drawing from its prior clashes with Israel, Hamas has gained vital insights on how to effectively counter Israel. Despite being at a military disadvantage in nearly every area, Hamas has developed unconventional methods to attack Israel, including a powerful propaganda system to garner global backing…

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In Halabja, a city often known as the “City of Mosques,” where the majority of its houses of worship are constructed through donations from philanthropists. These donors have also shown their commitment to supporting the education sector, demonstrating their care for both religious and education institutions in the city. Ahmed Mukhtar Jaf School is located in the center of Halabja which in the past used to be called Halabja University, due to its strong scientific reputation back when the city lacked higher education. Following recent renovations, the school now has 27 classrooms, a seminar hall, a laboratory, and an extensive…

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Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on Sunday said that the Region’s judiciary authority faces “serious” issues and challenges but stressed that they are determined to resolve them.   President Barzani on Sunday hosted 60 newly-graduated judges and deputy prosecutors, including 24 women, in Erbil. He told them that they should not allow anyone to interfere with their affairs.   “We have definitely not said that and will not say that the freedom of the judiciary and the rule of law in the Kurdistan Region does not face any issues! We do not say that everything about the judiciary authority is fine and it is…

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