MEP SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance Elena Kountoura urged the voters of Greece to choose the next government wisely in the upcoming elections slated to take place on May 21, 2023. She highlighted the false promises of the current government and asked the citizens to choose the country’s leader reasonably.
Progressive Alliance Elena Kountoura urged the voters of Greece to choose the next government wisely in the upcoming elections slated to take place on May 21, 2023. She highlighted the false promises of the current government and asked the citizens to choose the country’s leader reasonably.
She said that on May 21, 2023, the Greek people would say, “So far!” and choose the country’s next government, giving a solid mandate for political change and progressive governance. While highlighting the work of the current government, MEP Kountoura said, “The current government, in its attempt to save itself, is resorting to intimidation of voters, in a toxic pre-election climate, distorting the real facts and turning the public debate to non-existent stakes, such as the country’s participation in the eurozone and scenarios for local currencies.”
Elena Kountoura added that the current government avoids bringing up the fundamental problems of Greeks because they know that they bear a heavy responsibility for the poverty we experience, the increase in the cost of living, punctuality, and wages that end in the middle of the month, the abandonment of public health and infrastructure – transport, the undermining of the rule of law and the disappearance of the middle class.
The current government is trying – by legitimate and illegitimate means – to mislead the voters:
• Promises for the last four years the recovery of the investment grade. But he succeeded in increasing the public debt by 50 billion, the private debt by 40 billion, and the current account deficit by ten times, i.e. destroying the competitiveness of the Greek economy.
• Celebrates the increase in the minimum wage and promises European wages to Greeks. When the OECD announced that the actual salary in Greece would drop by 7.5% in 2022.
• He promised to cut taxes but imposed an additional 4.5 billion in unfair indirect taxes, disproportionately burdening the middle class, which is slowly disappearing.
• He fooled the pensioners about the 13th pension.
• Left the first home unprotected, paving the way for 700,000 auctions.
• Distributed 10 billion in direct assignments and closed tenders.
• Devalued labour rights and legislated unpaid overtime.
• They promised to support small and medium enterprises. Still, they excluded them from the European funds of the Recovery Fund in favour of the few and powerful, who also enjoy the super profits of the crisis.
• It managed to have the most expensive petrol and the most expensive electricity in Europe and dropped the country in press freedom worldwide from 65th place in 2019 to 107th place in 2023, even lower than Orban’s Hungary.
• They set up an eavesdropping mechanism in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They monitored half of the Council of Ministers, his political opponents, and the Armed Forces head with illegal software. A scandal that dragged us through Europe and which the European Parliament was forced to investigate, to reach the conclusion of the PEGA Commission for the Mitsotakis government.
• Finally, she said that the country must not forget the recent tragedy in Tempe, where 57 of our fellow citizens were unjustly lost and hundreds were injured in a railway network abandoned by the current government, for the safety of which the workers and even the Commission sounded the alarm.
“The policies of Alexis Tsipras have a human core. SYRIZA – PS will form a government with a human-centred character and bring Justice everywhere, for all Greek women and all Greeks,” outlined the MEP.
The “Contract for Change” that the Alexis Tsipras administration proposed to the citizens will bring an actual wage increase, a reduction in prices, regulation of debts, and a fair and efficient state next to the citizen. Only SYRIZA-PS can improve the lives of citizens and bring stability and development. Past governments bankrupted and impoverished Greece and handed it over in 2015 with empty coffers and inflexible memorandum commitments.
Alexis Tsipras took over the governance of the country and demonstrably succeeded in 2018 in getting Greece out of the Memoranda and, under severe pressure and strict supervision, regulated the debts, brought continuous growth and left a reserve of 37 billion euros from the sacrifices of the Greek people and a country fortified socially and economically and ready to face the unprecedented challenges of recent years.
On May 21, Elena Kountoura asked the Greek people to support Alexis Tsipras and SYRIZA – PS, allowing him to form a progressive government with a strong mandate, to govern for the first time based on our program – without commitments and oversights – and to we bring genuine growth and progress to our country, hope and perspective to the new generation.
Source: Wicnews