Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, during a meeting with Trikala Mayor Dimitris Papastergiou on Thursday, discussed the issue of “For the cities we want” at the Tsitsanis Museum. Mitsotakis emphasized that the challenge for regional development is both national and local in nature.
Mitsotakis stated that the necessary funding tools are available, as evident in the ongoing works in Trikala. However, he stressed that these tools must align with a shared vision.
He highlighted that the town of Trikala has achieved a high quality of life, which can attract digital nomads in search of a superior lifestyle. These nomads value elements such as high-speed internet, excellent educational institutions, hospitals, and more.
Additionally, Mitsotakis emphasized his commitment to a future focused on decentralizing environmentally friendly energy production. He made a specific reference to Renewable Energy Sources as part of this vision.
Source: Thenationalherald